Business Model Innovations inured practices. The procedure of the St. Gallen University Institute for Tech- Innovative products and solutions arising nology Management spin-o昀昀 unlocks from Industrie 4.0 approaches call for hitherto dormant potential and metho- a new mindset on value creation and ab- dically develops new business models. sorption. Not only technologies change, Highly innovative business ideas are but also how customers and other stake- devised in the course of a two-day work- holders in the extended ecosystem shop based on the St. Gallen method. interact. Consolidating market position in the age of digital change hinges on 阀阀 and BMI Lab help enterprises to setting yourself apart from the crowd directly translate the insights gained with services, tapping new sales channels, from all consulting approach stages into or establishing new payment models. new business model templates and ripen Along with its solution partner BMI Lab, them to market maturity as quickly and 阀阀 enables enterprises to transcend inexpensively as possible. 58�59

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