Smartphone instead of clipboard Mobile data management in the automotive industry The manufacturing shops of the modern automotive industry are showpieces demonstrating automated production methods. Thanks to the full-scale introduction of industrial robots, the industry has been able to make a signi昀椀cant quantum leap in terms of e昀昀iciency and productivity. With a mobile data management solution, 阀阀 helps to extend the potential e昀昀iciency gains through digitization to processes that currently still have to be largely performed with analog technology. The processes that have often not yet All incoming data such as information central storage of the data makes for been digitized even in the automotive on the status of the construction a substantial improvement in quality, industry include the management and measures or corrected and confirmed currency and system safety. KUKA offers monitoring of procedures in the construc- design plans are stored and managed in its customers the option of now also tion or integration of manufacturing this database. By means of user profiles deploying this tried-and-tested system systems. As efficiency gains due to digi- and defined responsibilities, the MDM for documenting manufacturing systems tization translate into time and cost system makes sure that all users can and optimizing maintenance work. The savings, KUKA offers a smart solution access precisely the information that is focus here is primarily on speeding up for mobile data management (MDM) relevant for them. If a project team mem- the training of new personnel, reducing in systems engineering. It makes all rele- ber scans a QR code affixed to a robot downtime through more effective prob- vant data and documents for the con- or another item of equipment, all data lem localization and the additional struction or conversion of a system of importance for their field of activity option of building up a knowledge data- accessible on mobile devices such as at the system location are displayed on base. For this purpose, the MDM system tablet PCs or smartphones. As it is cur- their mobile device. Additionally, a state- can access real data from the system rently used on KUKA’s own construction of-the-art OCR text recognition system controller and display error messages sites, the system architecture is centered enables them to retrieve information directly on the mobile devices. on the cloud-based storage and manage- using the labels on existing system ele- ment of data and documents. The ad- ments. In the automotive industry, the vantages of this solution are obvious: MDM system even provides yet another �With this mobile data management mechanics, electricians or project option for increasing process efficiency: solution, KUKA has been able to put an managers can download all required as all relevant data are collected cen- end to the analog age at a central node information from the central database trally, the time is saved that the per- of the value chain – a further, important using any compatible mobile device, sonnel previously needed to search for step towards the Industrie 4.0 pro- allowing them to work offline as well. the appropriate documents. Moreover, duction environment. Hello Industrie 4.0�we connect you

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