Simple Updates Programming Process Analysis New Revenue User Interface Streams Intuitive Operation Complex Individual Analyses Community Dashboards Thanks to the standardized IoT platform UI, HMI & app layer – KUKA already possesses wide-ranging link to the customer’s business cloud, the basis for intelligent applications expertise and specialized staff in the all databases – of KUKA and its partners and human-machine interfaces field of app development, as has already alike – can be incorporated into the anal- been required for many years for the yses and quality assurance processes Human-machine interfaces (HMIs) allow local operation of components such as via this interface. customers to access IoT platform data robots. This is reflected, for example, and analysis results and to take the in the style guide for programming user Like many other customers, KUKA also required operator control actions. The interfaces, which supports the intuitive operates its own business cloud. The interface between the cloud and HMI operation of all HMIs. The so-called system offers customers an integral ex- end devices is also implemented by RESTful APIs allow our partners in the perience with KUKA across all points of means of open and documented APIs – KUKA Manufacturing Ecosystem to contact. In the future, our robot, cell and known in this case as RESTful APIs. implement the apps they need, designed system-specific data will additionally Community partners and other custom- exactly in accordance with their own be available to our community partners ers can thus program their own appli- ideas. Companies can thus not only on the IoT platform for improving cations for any end devices and evaluate access their own production data, but production efficiency. data supplied via the edge in line with also have them analyzed and evaluated their requirements. via the established micro services from The KUKA Marketplace including the KUKA and other third-party providers. App Store will also be operated via the Applications may have a very compact system. In practical terms, this means design and be used for highly specialized In the future, companies from all sectors, that the growing number of apps and and possibly component-specific tasks. such as system integrators, process, generated know-how can be marketed However, it is equally possible for complex hardware and software manufacturers, worldwide through this store – by a applications with a wide-ranging scope OEMs and start-ups will enhance their simple mouse-click. The benefit for cus- of functions to be implemented. In products, and especially their services, tomers: KUKA takes on the responsibility practice, requirements vary enormously with relevant apps. This scenario is for developing and operating the infra- depending on the sector, individual made possible by the KUKA Marketplace structure and places the process expertise production solutions and corporate with its App Store: programmed best available on the market at the commu- structures. Virtually no bounds are set – practice solutions can be bought and nity’s disposal in the form of applications. everything is covered from recording downloaded here, thereby giving the operating hours to optimizing the energy creators the opportunity to market their consumption of process sequences. know-how on a global scale. KUKA provides customers with a structured platform and broad community that offers all the relevant tools for quickly and efficiently integrating Industrie 4.0 solutions into the value chain in a dynamically growing ecosystem. 4646�47�47

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