KUKA SmartProduction For seamless transparency across all processes Production lines consist of numerous KUKA SmartProduction enables all enter- sensors, actuators, network components, prises to consistently digitize whole and lots more. Virtually all these inte- cells and production lines. It creates an grated “things” are potentially valuable interoperable network, in which micro information providers, since processes services and Big Data analyses can be depend on the interaction of various used to analyze and lastingly improve components and peripheral properties. manufacturing efficiency, quality, and If the aim is to use data not only to opti- flexibility. With our open platform we mize individual components, but also offer component manufacturers, system to increase process quality, they must integrators, and machine operators be intelligently processed and visualized an additional channel for value-added together. KUKA SmartProduction gives services and applications for the system operators access to the information manufacturing industry. of process-relevant machines for eva- luation – in compliance, of course, with At the end of the day, the question the highest security standards and clear remains: what does the future hold for data association. medium-sized engineering enterprises? With KUKA SmartProduction, KUKA KUKA SmartProduction ensures easy, paves the way for enterprises across all seamless, and manufacturer-independent sectors to position themselves in the cross-sector linkage of all production digital world. The challenge and chance machines in the cloud. Designed for max- for those enterprises is to seize the imum freedom, KUKA SmartProduction opportunities while not losing touch can be deployed across different hard- with own core competencies. ware and software landscapes. KUKA solution’s standardized interfaces and KUKA invites you, too, to become an im- future-proof architecture make it the portant part of KUKA SmartProduction. ideal IoT platform for enterprises in all markets and sectors. Hello Industrie 4.0�we connect you

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