Aerospace Perfection at new heights Without question, aircraft are the backbone of our global, mobile society. The requirement pro昀椀le for a modern aircraft is the equivalent of “squaring the circle”: designed for a decades-long product lifecycle, it must be capable of adapting chameleon-like to the fast-paced changes of technological developments, ecological requirements, customer expectations and safety standards. Implementing this variability in production on a competitive basis creates extremely demanding requirements in terms of the 昀氀exibility, e昀昀iciency and transparency of all processes in the value chain. This is a challenge that can only be met economically in the long term by the comprehensive intelligent networking of all components over the entire lifecycle of an aircraft. Today, a modern transport aircraft down to the levels of subassembly, parts are relevant to production. Our joint comprises about 昀椀ve million individual or raw material suppliers will lead to work together with manufacturers starts components that are produced by remarkable improvements in knowledge right from the design and development thousands of supply companies and input about potential weak points in an phase so as to optimally design compo- in the production sequence at precisely aircraft. nents and assemblies for automation the right time. Thus, the aviation indus- over the entire production process. try generates products with a simply mind-boggling range of variants. At pres- From virtual simulation through to As a result, we make a decisive contri- ent, there are more than 1,500 airlines automated production bution to creating future-oriented that order speci昀椀cally adapted versions. products in the aviation industry. At the Adding the suppliers, sub-suppliers and Even though it may sound like science same time, we provide for a humane maintenance providers to this results in 昀椀ction – with digitized production working environment and support an extremely multi-faceted supply chain. processes, we will not only be able to companies in coping with the lack of This closely intermeshed sequence of produce with greater 昀氀exibility and skilled workers. working steps means the quality of e昀昀iciency, but also detect problems long every individual part and every process before they have e昀昀ects on the practical can determine the reliability and safety functional capability of an aircraft. of the produced aircraft. Within this complex sequence, knowledge of details, As a result, the path for the aviation no matter how small, is an important industry towards the uncompromising commodity. Today, it is a standard digitization of all processes is pre-or- feature of the aircraft industry for all dained. The development and design of components that are essential for aircraft has long since been veri昀椀ed �Our automation solutions with a wide operation, such as the jet engines and supported by virtual simulations in variety of specialized end e昀昀ectors and control systems, to be monitored almost every area. This applies to physi- can be seamlessly integrated into the by sensors. The increasing, digitized cal/technical properties just as much networked production lines of the networking of production processes as to the de昀椀nition of all processes that aviation industry. 2020�21�21

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