The digitized world is incredibly fast. At times, products that were all the rage their 昀椀nger on the pulse will succeed, Production and logistics at the center just yesterday are considered boring or and those who miss the boat will lose of the storm old-fashioned at the blink of an eye. For out. Hyperconnectivity will enable new gadgets this may be the case within days, forms of production, spur many new The trend towards personal or individu- for clothing it may be weeks, for a car business models such as the shared alized products is already clearly notice- perhaps months or years. And of course economy, and the data will allow us to able in many manufacturing sectors. we expect products that highlight our make clear predictions. No matter It is highly likely that the variants of particular style and status, not just o昀昀- whether we are talking about consumer industrially manufactured products will the-shelf products. It is no surprise that behavior or the failure of a component proliferate explosively in the coming years. we can con昀椀gure our cereal online, and in a machine. And quantities will remain constant or we expect this high level of personaliza- increase slightly at the same time. But it tion and customization in virtually every Prosumers, consumers with more pro- would be wrong to think that optimiz- aspect of our personal and professional fessional demands on the product or who ing production and logistics processes life. may even directly impact the added and making them more 昀氀exible will value of a product as co-designers, will su昀昀ice. In the course of digitization, all For how long do people deem products challenge manufacturing and logistics communication within the value chain or services exciting? At what point do we in a completely new way. Many analysts will be restructured. Customer contact, become ambivalent to them, bored or even go so far as to predict that, in communication channels, distribution even get annoyed by them? There are the end, the best business model will channels – everything will change. In probably no generalized answers to win, and not the best technology. Even order to remain successful and address these questions. But they reveal the factor though we do not entirely agree with all of these aspects, companies must that is key to sustainable economic this opinion, it certainly points out that, take a holistic look at the possibilities, success: empathy for the market, adapt- in essence, it is about bringing products opportunities and challenges of ability and speed in implementation. and services to market maturity as Industrie 4.0. When implemented In the coming years, it is estimated that quickly and simply as possible. Speed in properly, Industrie 4.0 is a tremendous about 50 billion devices and 4 billion all of its forms is the decisive argument opportunity. For example, it is entirely people will be networked. Even today it of our time. realistic to assume that the combination is clear that this provides the foundation of a fast time-to-customer and the high for numerous new services and products demand for personalization renders it that will dramatically change the world necessary to produce closer to the con- as we know it today. And just like in sumer, or even to include the consumer all previous revolutions, the fourth in the product design as a co-producer. industrial revolution will be a blessing Intelligent automation with reduced and a curse at the same time. Those with manual e昀昀ort presents an opportunity to reshore outsourced or relocated production. Hello Industrie 4.0�we connect you

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