The 阀阀 3-phase model Your path to measurable results 阀阀 has a 昀椀rm grasp of the challenges At the end of the around three-week fully satis昀椀es their needs and expectations posed by engineering, process, cell and phase the customer receives a custo- in short iteration cycles. The scalability system automation, and the incorporation mized Industrie 4.0 maturity evaluation, and user friendliness of the solution in of logistics solutions. We also comple- a draft of areas for action and recommen- the enterprise is thus ensured. ment this know-how with experts from dations and, frequently, also a 昀椀rst areas vital to Industrie 4.0, such as IT Proof of Concept (PoC) in the customer’s security, Big Data Analytics, and business own production environment. At this Phase 3: model innovations. Enterprises can point, the expert consulting models to Pilot access this expertise via 阀阀 Consulting, be speci昀椀cally applied in the follow-up easing their entry into a world of constant phases are also de昀椀ned. After the Explore and Design & Prototype transformation and already producing Phases, implementation of speci昀椀c me- practical results in just a few weeks’ time. dium- to long-term projects is launched. We devise customized solutions in three Phase 2: Based on collective insights, technologies separate phases for maximum optimi- Design & Prototype and solution modules are now speci昀椀cally zation potential to achieve the set targets. implemented and entire system areas Customers obtain optimal, comprehen- The areas for action from the preceding further optimized in this way. Applying sive guidance from 阀阀 Consulting analysis are now dealt with and practi- the 阀阀 Consulting approach we ad- whether their goal is to increase plant cally implemented at the beginning of the dress the customer’s objectives through e昀昀iciency, reduce total cost of ownership Design & Prototype Phase. The customer Industrie 4.0-focused automation solu- (TCO), or automate a speci昀椀c process can choose which projects and starting tions, individual potentials through for future viability. points are to be launched initially or even digital services or innovative business in parallel. We draw on our experience models. The Pilot Phase acts as a spring- and incorporate various specialist areas board for various projects that com- Phase 1: which must be taken into account when prehensively secure the customer’s Explore implementing Industrie 4.0 measures enterprise for the digital future. Increased into the project procedure. These include e昀昀iciency, accessibility and analysis of During the Explore Phase we engage optimization, digitization and simulation process data, reduced cycle times, or the with the customer’s relevant stakeholders of production processes, IT architecture, creation of integrated system concepts to get a full picture of the customer’s and the relevant security setups. The are all practical examples of added value. expectations, requirements, and goals. immense potential of Industrie 4.0 for The customer obtains them in the initial The procedure, the necessary project extending and adjusting the customer’s phases of 阀阀 Consulting – respec- scopes and resources are speci昀椀ed in own business models is also explored tively customized to their objectives. the course of workshops and interviews. and addressed with the customer. The All in all, the 阀阀 Consulting approach At the same time, we de昀椀ne with the Proof of Concept can also be developed o昀昀ers a coordinated start to your customer key areas for action in the into a prototype based on the customer’s journey into the digital future. 昀椀elds of process design, technology requirements and then used as a test and deployment, production and cell layouts, evaluation environment for downstream organization, and IT structure. The rele- installations. As the result of the vant digitization aspects are highlighted, Design & Prototype Phase the customer which can be capitalized on through obtains a speci昀椀c test setup (process, Industrie 4.0. We de昀椀ne the projects cells, components), as the decision- with maximum enhancement potential making basis for implementation of and so-called quick wins, while always further projects along with the process applying established standards, documentation and analysis. The key lean management speci昀椀cations, aspect of this phase is to draft with the and manufacturing principles. customer an Industrie 4.0 solution that Hello Industrie 4.0�we connect you

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