KUKA ready2�use for 4.0 production Digital support with a high IQ The road to e昀昀icient manufacturing facilities in the Industrie 4.0 concept involves technologies with “built-in” process expertise. The solutions used must 昀氀exibly adjust to production processes while also being individually adaptable and versatile. This only works if they are designed from the outset for use in networked automated production facilities. With ready2�use, 阀阀 has created a portfolio of 昀氀exible solutions which makes various automation technologies ready for Industrie 4.0. All packages are, for example, designed for integration into a cloud environment and can be integrated into any modern smart factory concept. Every market segment has very speci昀椀c variants, is an ideal 昀椀eld of application requirements for the automation of for tailor-made networked automation production. And even companies in the and application solutions. The space same market segment di昀昀er in their restrictions require utmost agility individual manufacturing processes – and accuracy to meet quality and and therefore in the scope, degree and throughput speci昀椀cations. type of automation required. Solutions for networked automation must there- As an Industrie 4.0 pioneer and world fore be extremely adaptable and versatile. market leader in industrial robotics, 阀阀 Against this background, the new provides the electronics industry with ready2�use packages from 阀阀 are the perfect solution in the KR 3 AGILUS optimal solutions that are modularly for meeting its challenging requirements. scalable according to demand and can The KR 3 AGILUS is optimized for the pro- be adapted to the speci昀椀c system. duction of the smallest components and products. Its reach of 540 mm is ideally Fastening M1 screws with consistent tailored to the 60 cm x 60 cm surface of torque in a very short space of time and an average workplace in the electronics with the same quality and pose repeat- industry. Using a special screwdriver tool, ability – is a perfect 昀椀eld for a it masters the attachment of micro ready2�use application. The fast-moving screws in a wide range of positions with electronics sector, with its extremely utmost precision. It is the 昀椀rst six-axis short product lifecycles, its rapid pace robot for the fastening of type M0.8 to A delicate touch is called for: of innovation and its wide range of M2 screws on the global market. with great sensitivity, the KR 3 AGILUS fastens micro screws even with a diameter of just 0.8 mm! Hello Industrie 4.0�we connect you

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