Effective KUKA software for optimizing production Starting a new era with detailed data analytics A supply chain is as fast as its slowest link – this insight is law in the era of Industrie 4.0. After all, in a networked manu- facturing operation, a delayed process has a severe impact on the speed of production. That is why companies are interested in successively optimizing their cycle times. They are supported in doing so by an intelligent analytics tool for the factory of tomorrow – 阀阀 SmartProduction�management. Industrie 4.0 needs speed. Everything KUKA SmartProduction�management, �These optimizations enabled the global needs to become faster and more which is capable of examining the acting transmission manufacturer effective – over the entire value chain. performance of an entire system down to significantly improve the cycle time However, this requires the production to the smallest detail. It communicates of the overall production system. dynamics to keep pace without com- with the individual stations and collates KUKA SmartProduction�management promising quality. That this can already the results. The outcome was extremely is to remain networked with the system be accomplished today is demonstrated satisfactory: 500,000 data points were in the future too in order to allow the by a joint project of KUKA and a well- acquired on a daily basis and investi- processes to be continuously analyzed known transmission manufacturer. This gated directly from the system. This and corrected if necessary. company is a leading supplier of drive scanning in turn allowed highly relevant train components and systems for the conclusions to be drawn regarding avail- automotive industry and is the only ability, cycle times and daily output. tier 1 supplier worldwide to design, Ultimately it proved possible to network develop and manufacture complete a total of 18 stations using KUKA all-wheel drive systems in-house. The SmartProduction�management – interest of automotive manufacturers manual workplaces as well as joining, is correspondingly high. In order to measuring and assembly stations. Over cope with the great demand from the a period of six weeks, KUKA’s data industry, the company focused on analysts were able to isolate problematic optimizing its processes at an early stations and propose specific improve- stage and scrutinized its system in the ments on the basis of the production USA together with the strategy experts data. For example, this included the from KUKA. All procedures were exchange of worn holding points for analyzed and the results used as a basis measuring pinions and the installation for formulating targeted suggestions for of shock absorbers on the counter- improvement. The analysis was carried weight to accelerate positioning of out using the Industrie 4.0 tool the pneumatic cylinders. Hello Industrie 4.0�we connect you

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