�Arc Welding series �Laser series 阀阀.Tracc TCP. Robots automatically 阀阀.LaserTech. Easy to program monitor and update the TCP and quick to implement laser welding in production operation. and laser cutting. 阀阀.Tracc TCP is a highly precise Areas of application: additive manufac- 阀阀.LaserTech is an add-on option 阀阀.LaserTech enables the integration Areas of application: additive manufac- software- and hardware-based TCP (Tool turing, 3D printing, palletizing, paint- package for configuring and program- of laser controllers and other devices turing, 3D printing, cutting, deburring, Center Point) calibration and checking ing, ARC welding, adhesive bonding, ming laser applications – for example, of the application periphery, e.g. gas laser welding and laser cutting system. 阀阀.Tracc TCP is normally used sealing, other welding for laser cutting or laser welding. valves, consumables (welding wire, for spot welding, ARC welding and adhe- welding powder) and optics, into the sive application tasks. Highly precise measurement results. robot controller. Very precise TCP position data is The option package determines the actu- determined via the unique measuring Flexibility Quality Productivity al TCP values (X, Y, Z) and thus ensures algorithm. • • Control of the laser power propor- • Access to the laser can be switched correct positioning on the workpiece. One software package for various laser This safeguards productivity and process Full system integration. The measuring applications, for example, welding, tional to the velocity between several robots very quickly reliability, which can be impaired by system includes a comprehensive inter- cutting, brazing or soldering • Support for extremely precise motion in order to optimize utilization of the welding torch deformation or the produc- face to the higher-level controller. • Close cooperation with partners sequences laser source tion-related tolerances of wearing parts, to integrate processing optics, for • Time and distance-based slopes • Numerous functions to facilitate among other things. 阀阀.Tracc TCP Transparent measurement results. The example, Solid Cutter from Precitec for laser power programming – for example, the step requires a fork-type photo-electric barrier measurement results are saved and • Interfacing of laser equipment seam function, ready-made geome- and a connecting cable. depicted graphically over time. possible, using various field buses User-friendly design tries and wire cutting function • Combinable with other 阀阀 software • Quick and simple programming of packages such as 阀阀.SeamTech for process commands using the 阀阀 straightforward integration of sensor standard inline forms systems, seam tracking and compo- • All process-relevant parameters (laser, nent detection wire, gas, etc.) can be controlled via the robot • Quick access to important functions using icon status keys Product portfolio_Application Software 130_131

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